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Vegan Baby Milk Recipe

I am indebted to Pierre Lenherr, my dear friend, healer and student for this recipe.

It is nothing to do with spirituality or Kriya, but perhaps it helps some parents and their child.

After my baby son switched to formula cow’s milk, he immediately started suffering skin eczema and repeated ENT infections due to congestion. We stopped giving him cow’s baby formula and switched to making a vegan milk and his symptoms disappeared.

Feel free to use the recipe, but understand that you do so at your own risk. I make no claims and I take no responsibility for your decisions. Of course mother's milk remains the best.

Note that this milk will have little in the way of vitamins – pressure cooking is not gentle on vitamins. You may consider supplementing this.


Made from cereals, naturally soft and consistent, I used this milk to replace cow’s milk to which my son was intolerant. Of course mother’s milk remains the best food on the whole.

The following quantities are sufficient for 1 meal. However one can make up to 3 litres which would last 3-4 days.

  • 4 tablespoons of brown rice - not wild rice
  • 3 tablespoons of soft or glutinous rice - neither Thai rice, nor partially cooked rice is suitable
  • 3 tablespoons of whole barley grain (or millet, or oats, or buckwheat/saracen if child is over 6 months)
    • Grains should not be partially cooked when purchased.
  • 5 cm of algae kombu
    • Essential for trace elements and B12 which is good for the blood and nervous system. B12 is not destroyed in the pressure cooker.
  • ½ tablespoon of whole sesame seeds
    • The seeds come in a variety of colors depending on the plant variety, including shades of brown, red, black, yellow, and most commonly, a pale greyish ivory. The darker seeds are said to be more flavourful, but beware of seeds that have been dyed. They have a high magnesium content to help steady nerves and are used in laxatives as an emollient. One-half cup of sesame seeds contains over three times the calcium of a comparable measure of whole milk. Some studies show that sesamin, a lignan found only in sesame seeds, has remarkable antioxidant effect which can inhibit the absorption of cholesterol and the production of cholesterol in the liver. The seeds are also rich in Vitamin A, E and protein. An old folk remedy recommends thoroughly chewing and swallowing one tablespoon of sesame seeds per day to regulate the menses.

Wash and place these ingredients in a pressure cooker with 7 to 8 volumes of water for infants of 1 – 2 months. One gradually decreases the volume of water according to the age of the child and his appetite. Heat up the pressure cooker. As soon as the valve goes up, reduce the heat and let cook for 50 min. whilst maintaining half the maximum pressure. A setting of 4.5/9 should work.

Too much pressure will result in a sticky glutinous mass at the end of 50 minutes and will most likely also burn off all the water well before 50 minutes.

After 50 minutes,

  • for a child of less than 9 months, remove the algae
  • for a child of less than 6 months, strain the remaining mixture through sieve where the holes are <= 1mm. The remaining solids can be used for making croquettes, as a soup base, in a gratin etc…
  • for a child over 6 months, process the complete mixture into a smooth creamy consistency and serve as porridge. When strained, the liquid can be served as a milk substitute; the remaining solids can be served together with other food.

The mixture can be refrigerated for 3-4 days. Of you can freeze portions for longer.

When the child is 6 months or more and according to his digestive capacity, you can replace the barley by millet, oats or buckwheat (saracen) while still using the two rice bases.

It’s worth noting the qualities of different grains. Be aware of allergies. Some grains can be hard to digest. Always test on yourself first.

Cooling characteristic. Barley is also drying. Better when baby has fever or cold or in summer. Also if the baby is aggravated, suffering from skin irritation.
Heating characteristic. Better for conditions and symptoms the opposite of those listed immediately above.
Rice/Ris Can be used anytime

To liquefy this milk in the feeding-bottle, add 1/3 teaspoon of barley malt. When heated, the malt will have the effect of making the milk liquid. Use organic malt – it's much better. You may need to add more water to further liquefy the milk so it flows easily.